Thursday, February 22, 2007

Day #5 without my laptop

It is Day #5 without my laptop and I am still going well without it. Of course there are times when you think, oh boy I could use the laptop to check that file or send that email, etc, etc but the good thing is that between work and uni I have good access to the internet so that I can keep in contact with everyone.

Btw, the above image does not resemble me in any way; before I didn't have a laptop, without my laptop or when I will get my laptop back.


Jonny said...

You mean apart from the despair and sadness? Stay strong my friend... we can get you through this....

Trav said...

there are 5 stages in psychological acceptance

1. Denial: "I can get by fine without a lap...sure it'd be nice to have one around for the odd thing"

2. Anger "Where's my laptop when i need it"

3. Bargaining "God if a laptop turned up in the post i would strongly consider giving my right arm to charity

4 Grieiving: Crying, sobing.....

5. acceptance. I dont have a laptop