Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The way of the future

I found this site in a tech email that I receive and it is what our future use of computers will be like:

This site is about an internet based operating system. They are working on the beta and it is most likely to be released in Q3 of this year. I have signed up to receive news and an account from them once it is up and running, to test it and be at the forefront of new technology.

I believe that most computers will not run an operating system from their machine but from a server (so virtualisation) by 2012-2015. I wonder if Google will be releasing an OS like this as well...

1 comment:

Jonny said...

They're moving to do that with work eventually.
Don't think it'll take off here until this country gets decent Internet infrastructure. Which won't happen while Telstra is as crap as it is.